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Refectuando    Tulipán

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Treated Silk
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He aquí, te he refinado, pero no con plata; Yo te he escogido en horno de aflicción.

miTodo el mundo vive dentro de un crisol 

Isaías 48:10

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Wbienvenido a mi vida
dentro de los Crisoles 

¡Hola!  Soy Alethea Karen. Mi pronunciación elegida es "UhLEETHeeya KahREN.  Debido a que mi nombre se pronuncia de tantas maneras incorrectas, pensé en expresar mi preferencia: ¡PRIMERO!Dependiendo de dónde mires, los nombres juntos significan "Verdad", "Puro", "Inmaculado" y "Fuerza".

Vivo en los crisoles. 

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W¿Qué es un crisol?

En pocas palabras, un crisol es un recipiente, un recipiente que se utiliza para fundir sustancias que deben fundirse a una temperatura muy alta, una temperatura que no afecta al recipiente.  La plata y el oro son dos metales preciosos que se funden y purifican en un crisol. 


Hoy en día, una prueba severa, como los rigores extenuantes a los que se someten los atletas, a veces se denomina crisol.  Las situaciones también se pueden llamar crisoles cuando provocan que ocurran grandes cambios.

A lo largo de los años, aprendí que mi vida es una combinación de varios crisoles, no solo una ENORME olla de refinación.  Darme cuenta de eso me permitió comprender por qué funcionaba de manera diferente según el grupo. Estaba interactuando con la situación en la que me encontraba.  También me di cuenta de que no estaba solo, incluso cuando a veces parecía que lo estaba. 

Dios prometió nunca dejarme ni desampararme, por eso siempre estuvo ahí.  En verdad, cuando más solo y con más profundo dolor me sentí, fue porque al tratar de escapar de los confines calientes del crisol , me alejé de Él. ¡Salté del crisol y aterricé justo en el fuego! 

También espero que comparta temas sobre los que quiera hablar en el foro, haga preguntas y dé su opinión. Hablemos respetuosamente de las cosas que importan, apoyándonos y animándonos unos a otros.


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Ssobreviviendo oTprosperando


“The Crucibles” existe para ayudar a las personas a darse cuenta de que todos vivimos en recipientes calientes que nos cambian.  Buscamos guiar el proceso de sobrevivir a prosperar en los crisoles de la vida, una persona a la vez.


Nuestra visión es ser el lugar donde los heridos reciban más que un vendaje emocional; ser una comunidad donde la gente venga a ser escuchada, a obtener apoyo compasivo y a encontrar ayuda en su búsqueda de sanación.

Nuestra visión incluye la capacidad de proporcionar fondos para el cuidado de relevo a los cuidadores de pacientes con cáncer e ingresos para apoyar el ministerio de The Crucibles.



norteo uno está solo en elRfuego de efiner.

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Tigerlily Foundation is a national breast cancer foundation providing education, awareness, advocacy and hands-on support to young women (15-45) – before, during and after breast cancer.

Mental Health America

Mental Health America

MHA’s programs and initiatives fulfill its mission of promoting mental health and preventing mental illness through advocacy, education, research and services

Rights of Equality

Rights of Equality

Rights of Equality is an advocacy platform advancing gender equality and women’s rights globally. Our mission is to use digital media to educate, engage and empower the communities to fight against harmful socio-cultural and systemic issues which oppress women and girls

Administration for Community Living

Administration for Community Living

The National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) supports, empowers, educates, and speaks up for the more than 50 million Americans who care for a chronically ill, aged, or disabled loved one.

Stop Abuse

Stop Abuse

Stop Domestic Violence, Child Abuse and Elder Abuse.

Divorce Care

Divorce Care

Divorced and needing help It was the early ’90s, and a young man named Steve Grissom was looking for help. He was divorced, and he needed support and advice from people who truly understood just how hard it was to go through divorce. He couldn’t find exactly what he needed.

Domestic Violence Awareness

Domestic Violence Awareness

The Hotline can be accessed via the nationwide number 1−800−799−SAFE(7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224 or (206) 518-9361 (Video Phone Only for Deaf Callers

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

Whether you or a loved one are worried about developing breast cancer, have just been diagnosed, are going through breast cancer treatment, or are trying to stay well after treatment, this detailed information can help you find the answers you need.

Comfort Keepers

Comfort Keepers

We Are Comfort Keepers Comfort Keepers provides award-winning in-home care for seniors and adults who need assistance at home. Our expert-trained home care aides let your loved one remain at home for as long as safely possible, a dream come true for many seniors. Caregivers have one goal: enriching the lives of our clients and their families. We achieve this by maintaining their safety, well-being, and comfort as they continue to live independently. In-home care gives seniors freedom despite lim

Grand Families

Grand Families serves as a national legal resource in support of grandfamilies within and outside the child welfare system. Our Mission: Educate individuals about state laws, legislation and policy in support of grandfamilies Assist interested policymakers, advocates, caregivers, and attorneys in exploring policy options to support relatives and the children in their care Provide technical assistance and training



Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators. She has a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience, and is an undisputed ‘boy champion’.

Childrens Bureau

Childrens Bureau

Since 1904, Children’s Bureau has been a private, nonprofit leader in preventing child abuse and neglect and treating children who have suffered. Our innovative, comprehensive services help thousands of at-risk children and parents annually from 20 community sites in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Our research and evaluation efforts and advocacy inform the child welfare arena on local, state and national levels.

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks Walk is the world's largest autism fundraising event dedicated to supporting the needs of people with autism and their families throughout their life’s journey. The Autism Speaks Walk brings together people with autism and the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives and providers in a network of friendship and support. Funds raised help fuel innovative research, advocacy, and critical programs and services. Together, we are creating a world where all people with autism


  Sa veces nos metemos en cosas ~

   y necesito un poco de ayuda para salir.


rayer cambia las cosas    


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