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Anchored or Drifting

Alethea Skinner

For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. (Isaiah 41:13)

Just when I needed a verse, there it was.

As I thought about my tasks today, an old song I love came to mind: “There’s a storm out on the ocean and it’s moving this-a-way. If your soul's not anchored in Jesus you will surely drift away.”

Somewhere in the caverns of my mind, I hear a scream, "Jesus!" I recognize the voice and realize, it's me.

My soul cries out the words of another song: “Jesus, Savior! Pilot me over life’s tempestuous sea. Unknown waves before me roll. Hiding rock and treacherous shoal. Chart and compass come from Thee...." Lord, I need you to carry me over and take me through!

For a moment I ponder: Will my anchor hold as the storms are raging in my life: ailing children, children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews in identity crises, loved ones caught in spiritual battles, friends and other loved ones are also sick, while still others are also grieving?

The moment passes as I realize that I would give up, but for this: I have the blessed assurance that my God sends help when I need it.

Because of the words found in Isaiah, followers of Christ through the ages held on to hope despite times of hardship and trial. So, I, too, can hook up. I am not alone. I am not forgotten. The hand of God is not shortened. He still says, “Fear not—I will.” And He saves today.

How about you? Is there a storm on your horizon? Are you feeling increasing wind and raindrops? Is the storm already swirling around you?

Where is your anchor?

As a dragging anchor is unsafe out on the water, it is also unsafe in life. A ship that is dragging anchor out on the sea or in port has no holding power. It takes time for that condition to be discovered and remedied on the sea and in life. On the ocean, a vessel dragging anchor risks colliding with other vessels and structures, or running into shoal water while struggling to regain its ability to maneuver. It’s no different in life. By the time we realize we are drifting, we are in trouble. God is the place where we can be safely anchored so we can ride out whatever storms He allows. No matter life's weather, He is the Creator and Commander. He remains in control.

If your soul is anchored in the SOLID ROCK, you will never drift away.




   Sometimes we get ourselves into things ~

   and need a little help to get out.


rayer Changes Things    


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